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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Modeling NLP for Business Success

The key aim of NLP is to model the excellence of others. Generally when people are good at something they are not consciously aware of what they are doing that makes them good.

Most of the time people take for granted the things that they do well. For example, I assume most of you are good at walking...but when was the last time you looked at your legs and praised your walking ability, or analyzed what it is that allows you to walk with the unconscious fluency that you use.

modeling in NLP is about discovering what makes the difference between good and great results. An NLP Model of Success takes into account both what your subject does physically and also what goes on inside their head. Some of these elements would be absolutely vital and others might be just idiosyncratic and only apply to that particular person.

If we were to model a very persuasive person, the external model would be what they say. The internal model would be their beliefs and values about what they are doing. In a NLP modeling study you would gather all the information by observation and interview and then start using it. Once they are comfortable with the model they would start to leave bits out and test until they have just the core elements that make up success.

The same approach can be used for modeling an organisation. Any company exhibits a collective behaviour and this is based on the collective thoughts, values and beliefs of the individuals within.

modeling techniques in NLP won't make you Einstein, Bill Gates or a large multinational company. What it will give you is a way of analyzing, recording and transferring the key elements of success in any skill or endeavor. It is simply a way of breaking out of your own limitations and boundaries to become even better at the things you want to achieve, by systematically learning from those that are already proving successful.

Consider for a moment the value of being able to see inside the head of Bill Gates or Richard Branson and then being able to analyse their behaviour and personality for the answers to these questions and others I am sure you can think of:

* What motivates you to create your success?
* What keeps you going when it isn't going the way you want?
* What do you believe about yourself and the world around you to be able to create this success?
* What specific behaviours do you exhibit to create this success?

Now imagine being able to do the same thing but with a successful organisation.

You might already notice that only one of the questions above concerns their behaviour...actually about what they do. The other questions are all about what is happening inside their heads. This is because, in most circumstances, behaviour follows thought. Let us consider a simple example, take these two beliefs:

* I could never be a millionaire
* My destiny is to be a millionaire; I just need to make it happen

The person with the first belief is not likely to make the effort or take the actions to go down this route but the second is likely to be always looking for the opportunity to move in this direction. An over simple example, but I hope it makes the point that internal thought proceeds external behaviour and consequently is far more powerful.

How does all this help create a successful business?

Firstly let's talk about individuals. Have you experienced or met people that have this experience? They know what to do to create success, or get things right or get rid of the problem, but they are continually repeating the same behaviour and making the same mistakes. This is still because what happens inside your head is the most powerful aspect of your behaviour. So if you can get this aligned with creating success then your external behaviour can be more easily modified to get the results.

By knowing what makes a successful sales person, trainer, business manager in your company or industry gives you several advantages. Firstly you can look for and recruit specifically for the right values and beliefs as well as skills and experience. Secondly, individuals can through a variety of NLP techniques and related exercises modify their own values and beliefs to give themselves more successful in their endeavors.

Secondly, by modeling successful business you can gain an insight into the collective beliefs and values that the company has to hold to be successful. Then through organizational development, corporate communications and key business statements you can align your organisation with these values and beliefs.

As you can imagine the skill of modeling in NLP is a highly useful thing. On any good certified NLP training course you will be shown how to model both individuals and organizations. But on the best NLP Practitioner Courses you will be given a range of highly successful models to start with. For example you should leave the course with:

* How to create and use specific ways of thinking for specific situations. For example a driving mindset, a negotiating mindset, a delivering presentations mindset.
* Massively accelerated learning ability, for example reading speed. You should leave the course being able to read at around 1000 words per minute, with better retention and comprehension that usual. As well as a strategy which with practice will double this speed easily.
* Hypnotic persuasion and influencing skills. Not just random language patterns, but the process, strategy and mindset that allows you to really capture and lead the imagination.

The question is not about how NLP Training helps create business success but, if you are serious about creating a successful business how can you not train in NLP.