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Friday, August 10, 2007

Conceptual Data Modeling in the Introductory Database Course: Is it Time for UML?

Traditionally, the typical undergraduate database course uses a form of Entity-Relationship (ER) notation when teaching conceptual modeling. While we have seen an increase in the academic coverage of UML in the database course, it is very rare to see UML as the primary modeling notation when teaching conceptual data modeling. However, outside of academe, there has been advocacy for the use of UML as an effective modeling tool for database design and for it to provide a unifying modeling framework. This paper examines the level of support for using UML vs. established ER notations for teaching conceptual data modeling in the introductory undergraduate database course. An analysis of textbook and tool support as well as a survey of what IS undergraduate programs are using in their introductory undergraduate database courses is included.

As data modeling has evolved in the last 50 years we have seen a shift from hierarchical and network models to relational and object-oriented models. While the term "data modeling" may imply a variety of different meanings (Topi, et al., 2002), in information systems (IS) education, data modeling is consistently used to describe entities and relationships within a real world domain (Hoffer, et al., 2005). In the past 20 years relational data models have dominated the market but today the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has emerged as the software industry's dominant modeling technique for application development (Siau, et al., 2001). In the past few years there has been an increase in interest in the applicability of UML class diagrams in data modeling.

While there are a wide range of issues one must consider when selecting an appropriate data modeling language, the aim of this paper is not to pass judgment on or comment on Avhich modeling technique is correct. It is to gain insight into the support for the different modeling techniques and the current state of data modeling in undergraduate database courses. As the paradigm governing modeling techniques evolves there comes a time when the academic environment may consider if the tipping point has been reached where the academic teachings in introductory database courses have the support to shift to UML. While we recognize that there are many theoretical and practical issues to consider when selecting an appropriate data modeling technique used in the classroom we have chosen to report on the current level of support for the use of ER modeling and UML class diagrams in undergraduate database courses.

This paper examines the viability of UML as a conceptual modeling notation for an introductory undergraduate database course by investigating the supporting issues, including: curricular fit; support materials (i.e., books and tools); and the use of UML in IS undergraduate programs. We then discuss the strengths and shortcomings of UML for teaching conceptual data modeling in light of these supporting issues. Finally, we highlight potential directions for future research and discuss conclusions and limitations of this study.


In order to gain insight into the viability of using UML as a notation for teaching conceptual data modeling we examine some of the infrastructural supports for teaching UML in an introductory database course. First we discuss influence of the overall IS curriculum, specifically whether or not an object-oriented methodology is reinforced throughout the curriculum, on the readiness for teaching UML in database. We then examine the support of UML in eleven introductory database texts marketed to the academic community along with five popular software applications that support the diagramming of conceptual data models. Finally, we analyze the level of coverage of UML in current introductory database courses at nineteen undergraduate IS business schools in the United States.

2.1 Curricular Fit

When selecting the modeling technique for an introductory database course one must keep in mind the unique characteristics their academic environment provides. The database course is often part of an IS majors' curriculum and finding synergies between the courses in the curriculum may be a priority. While there may be multiple courses one needs to consider fit with, the most prominent course topics to consider are programming courses and systems analysis and design courses. If your program is using an object-oriented (OO) methodology and has embraced UML in the systems analysis, systems design and programming courses your students may have already been exposed to UML, thus potentially making the use of UML class diagrams a more natural fit and one that is more synergistic within your overall undergraduate IS curriculum. By giving the student multiple exposures to UML in different contexts the student will be able to get a more holistic view of systems design and integration.

Furthermore, the sequencing of the introductory database course needs to be considered. The earlier the database course falls in the sequence of required courses for the majors the easier it is for the database instructor to select the diagramming technique they are most comfortable with. However, if students have already been exposed to UML class diagrams, the database instructor may need to keep that in mind to reduce the confusion of the use of the various modeling techniques. The database course does not have to use UML if the systems analysis and design courses do but the database teacher may find that they need to address the differences in the modeling techniques in order to improve student comprehension of the integration between the various courses.