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Friday, March 02, 2007

Global warming: she's already a modeling and TV sensation in England and Australia—now hottie Gabrielle Richens is making a splash in the U.S. with he

MF: All of our readers are dying to know: How'd you earn the name "the Pleasure Machine"?

GR: [Laughs] It actually has nothing to do with what most people would think. I did a commercial for Virgin Airways where I played a stripper, in a real strip club, wearing black boots and a black bikini. In the commercial, there was a famous poet doing a voice-over, and he read the words, "Step aboard the pleasure machine," just as they showed me dancing and spinning around the pole. In Australia, everyone has a nickname, so when people saw the commercial, it just stuck. I love it; I think it's great!

What would a guy need to do to earn the label "Pleasure Machine" in your eyes?

He'd have to have a great body! [Laughs] Especially nice, muscled arms or a nice butt. When I'm in the gym and American football is on, I can't resist stating at the players' tight, shiny pants, because most of the guys have such great buns, legs, and thighs.


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