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Monday, October 23, 2006

Disability Allowance: Understanding The Various Clauses

It is the duty of a welfare state to take care of its citizens and provide all possible support and relief that they may require from time to time. It applies specifically to those who are socially, culturally, linguistically or physically in disadvantageous position. That's the reason why a special allowance is provided to the disabled in many countries across the globe.

Disability Allowance or Disability Living Allowance is a governmental aid provided to those who fall within the category of the disabled as defined under the relevant law. Broadly speaking, one is entitled to a disability allowance if one suffers from any such disability that makes one incapable of taking proper care of oneself. You may also get the benefit if you have serious difficulty in walking.

However, disability allowance is available only for those who are below the age of 65. Those who are above 65, are only entitled to an Attendance Allowance. The allowance is independent of whether or not you work or have any savings or not.

In case one is terminally ill with little expectation of living any longer than six months, there are special rules to ensure that the allowance is processed quickly and without hassles.

Not every one who is disabled gets the same kind of allowance, as it depends on which of the 'components' you are entitled to. There are two components and some may be entitled to one while some for both. If you cannot take due care of yourself and need assistance in it, you are entitled to the 'care component', and if you are unable to walk without help, you are entitled to the 'mobility component'. It is possible, as mentioned earlier, for one to be entitled to both the components, in which case the amount paid is higher. The amount also depends upon the extent to which the disability affects one.

The amount is deposited into any account you wish to use and which provides for it. One may also have it collected by someone else on one's behalf.